Senin, 04 Oktober 2010


Salt is one of those rare action flicks that has non-stop hard hitting action for ninety minutes straight and is all done with a brain. Originally, written for a male lead star, in which Tom Cruise was the primary candidate but after he turned it down because it was too similar to his role in Mission Impossible the makers changed the script and took on Angelina Jolie to play the same role reworked for a female main lead and she deserves to be called the best actress in a movie action.

The film opens with Ms Jolie being tortured in a North Korean prison from where she is rescued and then break out into an endless pleasure that has dual purposes. First, it’s should to answer the million dollar question: Who is Salt ? Russian mole or patriotic CIA agent? And second, it is intentioned to save America -- and the world  from Armageddon.
Evelyn Salt (Jolie) is a C.I.A. officer who is amazing at her job. She has done everything to protect the United States but a defector accused that Evelyn is a Russian spy who has been planted in the United States to kill the President.
Her actions of running away are not helping her but she wants to make sure that her husband is safe, even if that means risking her life..
The action is absolutely non-stop but the best part about it is that it’s believable.
Between improvised rocket launchers, highway chases that include several truck jumps, and secret identities. Salt keeps audiences guessing until the very end who is the real salt.

As the movie goes on, we learn more and more about who Salt really is. And the real answer is Evelyn Salt.
She switch supports Russia after her husband who is a German citizen killed by U.S.

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

untuk mendapatkan 1 medali itu butuh banyak pengorbanan

guys do you remember ketika kamu sedang memperjuangkan 1 medali ?
 i think its not easy.
"sulit sekali", tetapi apakah medali itu bisa kamu dapatkan?
jawabannya "YES, absolutely"
lets discuss...
pengorbanan yang dilakukan dengan ikhlas dan sungguh2 tentu saja akan membuahkan hasil yang manis .
sama dengan pohon yang selalu disiram dan diberi pupuk, pasti akan cepat menghasilkan buah yang segar.
saya juga pernah melewati masa-masa ini sampai sekarang dan itu membuat kita mejadi pribadi yang lebih kuat.
Saya rasa gak cuma saya aja, semua orang di dunia ini juga merasakan hal yang sama.
Ini cuma 1 medali loh, gimana kalau banyak?
Pastinya pengorbanannya berkali kali lipat. Jangan kira untuk mendapatkan kesuksesan itu mudah kalau kalian tidak mau berkorban.
Disini saya cuma mau mengajak semua generasi bangsa , yang masih muda dan berbakat untuk tetap berprestasi di bidang apapun itu. asalkan positif
be brave , be confidence , and dont forget to pray !!


semua butuh proses :)

guys galz hari ini mau cerita tentang dunia kuliah gw, just begin 2 weeks ago dan sekarang gw bener2 bisa ngerasain capeknya jadi mahasiswi. Tugas nyaaaaaaa apalageeeee ...Tapi gw harus ngejalanin nya dengan ikhlas , senang hati dan menikmati. Ini jalan yang udah gw pilih , dan.. gw jg seneng ko tiap harinya karena sastra inggris juga termasuk pelajaran kesukaan gw! :)
gw tau semua butuh proses panjang kalo gw mau jadi orang sukses. ya kan ya kan?hehhehe
ok deh buat smua yang baca ..semangat ya!! keep up ur spirit !!